
Regia Autonomă RASIROM (hereinafter RASIROM) is the owner of this website. All elements integrated in this site are the property of RASIROM, as the case may be, of third parties who have authorized the public entity to use them.

The models/specifications/description of the products or services presented on this site are protected in accordance with the legal provisions regarding copyright and related rights, as well as the protection of industrial designs.

Reproductions by any means and on any support as well as the use of the site and/or the materials and/or products presented are authorized, provided that they are intended for strictly personal use, excluding any use for advertising and/or commercial purposes and/or information, without the prior written consent of RASIROM, so that they comply with the legal provisions in force regarding intellectual property.

The logo and name "RASIROM" are the property of the RASIROM Autonomous Authority, representing trademarks registered at national and community level. Any use of them, together or separately, including through the processing or extraction of representative elements, by Romanian or foreign natural or legal persons, without the written consent of the legal representative of RASIROM, will be subject to legal action by the person/persons who are guilty, according to the applicable legal provisions in force.


RASIROM makes no guarantees regarding the materials/graphics/references/photos offered on this site. The images of the products that can be found on the pages of this website are for presentation purposes, they may differ in any way (configuration, colors, including, but not limited to, the visual aspects as well as the technical characteristics) and do not imply the obligation of RASIROM to supply products identical. For this reason, any relevant information can only be obtained by contacting RASIROM.

RASIROM undertakes to treat the information transmitted by third parties, through the website, respecting the principle of confidentiality and protecting personal data.

RASIROM does not own, monitor or manage the sites to which there are links from this site and is not responsible for the content of the pages of these sites or for other sites that have links to/from this site.

RASIROM does not assume any responsibility regarding the privacy protection system used by these sites, regarding their content or accuracy.

RASIROM shall not be responsible and does not warrant that the functions on this site will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that errors will be corrected.

RASIROM and its employees do not accept any responsibility for direct or indirect losses resulting from the use of this site and its content, including the failure of your computer as a result of accessing or using the server that hosts this site.

The information presented on this site does not constitute an offer. Any contracting of goods or services will be carried out only on the basis of written legal reports.


The terms and conditions of use of this website may be changed at any time without prior notice. You agree to re-read this section of the site regularly and your continued access to or use of this site will constitute evidence that you have agreed to such changes.

Personal data/privacy policy

RASIROM processes the personal data of visitors to this site in compliance with the technical and organizational measures imposed by the legislation in force, including Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data personal and regarding the free circulation of this data.

Dispute Resolution

Any complaint or dispute determined or related to the use of this site, the content or the materials presented will be governed by the Romanian legislation in force.

Any disputes will be settled amicably, through mediation, or by resorting to the competent courts.