Integrity warning

How to use the Integrity Whistleblower tool
The integrity whistleblower is the person who in good faith reports violations of the law, of professional ethics or of the principles of good administration, efficiency, effectiveness, economy and transparency, and who is part of public authorities, public institutions, national companies, autonomous interests national and local, or in national companies with state capital.

Who is the integrity whistleblower?
The integrity whistleblower is the person who reports violations of the law in good faith, and who can be:
– public official – the person vested, by appointment in a public position within the structure of a public authority or institution, with prerogatives in the realization of their competence, under the regime of public power, with the aim of achieving a public interest;
- contractual staff, according to the Labor Code;
- personnel who carry out their activity on the basis of special statutes, doctors, teachers, policemen, court clerks, priests, etc.

The warning in the public interest is defined as the notification made in good faith regarding any act that involves a violation of the law, professional ethics, or the principles of good administration, efficiency, effectiveness, economy and transparency:
– crimes of corruption, crimes assimilated to crimes of corruption, crimes directly related to crimes of corruption, crimes of forgery and crimes of service or in connection with the service;
– crimes against the financial interests of the European Communities;
- preferential or discriminatory practices or treatments in the exercise of the duties of public authorities, public institutions, national companies, autonomous governments of national and local interest, or national companies with state capital;
– violation of provisions regarding incompatibilities and conflicts of interest;
- abusive use of material or human resources;
- political partisanship in the exercise of the prerogatives of the position, with the exception of politically elected or appointed persons;
– violations of the law regarding access to information and decision-making transparency;
– violation of legal provisions regarding public procurement and non-reimbursable financing;
– incompetence or negligence in service;
– non-objective evaluations of staff in the process of recruitment, selection, promotion, demotion and dismissal;
– violations of administrative procedures or the establishment of internal procedures in violation of the law;
– issuance of administrative or other acts, which serve group or client interests;
- defective or fraudulent administration of the public and private patrimony of public authorities, public institutions, national companies, autonomous regions of national and local interest, or of national companies with state capital;
– violation of other legal provisions, which require compliance with the principle of good administration and that of protecting the public interest.

Protecting whistleblowers from integrity

According to the operational procedure regarding integrity whistleblowers, adopted by the National Integrity Agency, persons who report the above-mentioned acts of corruption benefit from protection, as follows:
- whistleblowers in the public interest, who made a notification being convinced of the reality of the situation or that the act constitutes a violation of the law, benefit from the presumption of good faith, until proven otherwise;
- at the request of the whistle-blower subject to disciplinary investigation as a result of a whistle-blowing act, the disciplinary commissions or other similar bodies within public authorities, public institutions, national companies, autonomous regions of national and local interest, or national companies with state capital, have the obligation to invite the press and a representative of the trade union or professional association. The announcement is made by announcement on the Internet page of the public authority, public institution or budgetary unit, at least 3 working days before the meeting, under the penalty of nullity of the report and the applied disciplinary sanction;
- in the situation where the person complained about by the whistleblower in the public interest is a direct or indirect hierarchical boss, or has control, inspection and evaluation duties of the whistleblower, the disciplinary committee or another similar body will ensure the whistleblower's protection, hiding his identity;
- in the case of warnings in the public interest, provided for in art. 5 lit. a) and b) from Law no. 571/2004 on the protection of personnel from public authorities, public institutions and other units that report violations of the law, the provisions of art. 12 para. (2) lit. a) from Law no. 682/2002 regarding witness protection.
Source: National Integrity Agency

Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 316/2021, privind organizarea şi funcţionarea Ministerului Energiei, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare;
Legea nr. 361 din 2022, privind protecţia avertizorilor în interes public;
Legea nr. 682/2002, privind protecția martorilor, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare;
Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 1269/2021, privind aprobarea Strategiei Naționale Anticorupție 2021-2025;
Ordonanța de Urgență nr. 57/2019 – Codul Administrativ, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare;
Legea nr. 286/2009 – Noul Cod Penal, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare;
Legea nr. 78/2000, pentru prevenirea, descoperirea şi sancţionarea faptelor de corupţie, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare;
Legea nr. 31/1990, privind societățile comerciale, republicată, cu modificările și completările ulterioare;
Ordonanța de urgență nr. 109/2011, privind guvernanța corporativă a întreprinderilor publice, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare;
Ordonanţa de urgenţă nr. 66/2011, privind prevenirea, constatarea şi sancţionarea neregulilor apărute în obţinerea şi utilizarea fondurilor europene şi/sau a fondurilor publice naţionale aferente acestora, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare;
Legea nr. 161/2003, privind unele măsuri pentru asigurarea transparenţei în exercitarea demnităţilor publice, a funcţiilor publice şi în mediul de afaceri, prevenirea şi sancţionarea corupţieirea şi sancţionarea faptelor de corupţie, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare;
Legea nr. 176/2010, privind integritatea în exercitarea funcțiilor și demnităților publice, pentru modificarea și completarea Legii nr. 144/2007 privind înființarea, organizarea și funcționarea Agenției Naționale de Integritate, precum și pentru modificarea și completarea altor acte normative, cu modificările și completările ulterioare;
Legea nr. 251/2004, privind unele măsuri referitoare la bunurile primite cu titlu gratuit cu prilejul unor acţiuni de protocol în exercitarea mandatului sau a funcţiei, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare.

Public interest notification form

Responsabil: Mihaela Roșculete
Adresa e-mail: